Inspiration Lunch workshops (2022-2023)

Course schedule

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Course description

Every education period Education Support Centre organises 2 to 3 Inspiration workshops on different topics related to technology enhanced learning, blended learning design, or didactical concepts. Visit one of these workshops to get inspired for your own courses. Workshops can be on campus, online or hybrid, and are free of charge.

If the workshop is on campus, we start at 12:00 with walk-in and lunch. Online workshops will start at 12:30. 

Date: Thursday 19 January, Topic: Navigate your students through your course: how to create and implement a big picture
A big picture is a graphic or visual representation of what your course is about. As an expert in your field, it is logical how concepts and teaching and learning activities are related, but this might not always be clear for your students. The main function of a big picture is to provide structure and overview. Referring to the big picture regularly can help students to focus attention to what is important. 

Date: Thursday 02 February, Topic: How to use polls and surveys in your course using Brightspace, H5P, Wooclap and MS Forms
When you want to use polling and surveys in your course, you have several possibilities to do so. You can use Wooclap for in class polling, or use H5P for asynchronous polling, and much more. During this workshop we will explore the use these app’s in different situations.

Date: Thursday 16 February, Topic: Group work: how to discuss collaboration
Students start their group work and at some point realize that they have different, sometimes even opposing expectations and/or ideas about how to continue. There might even be a free rider or social loafer in the group. It's better to try to get ahead of this kind of situation. In this workshop, you will get a short explanation about group development, and a collaboration canvas as a way to have your students talk in advance about their expectations and how they want to work together.

Date: Thursday 02 March, Topic: Podcasting as a pedagogical tool
There are many possibilities of podcasting as a pedagogical tool: as a teaching and learning method, as an assessment method, as a way to transfer knowledge, as a way to co-create knowledge, to inspire and get inspired. In Atlas there is a special podcasting studio ready for use. Who will join us in exploring the possibilities of podcasting within WUR, and maybe team up and get going?

Date: Thursday 16 March, Topic: Using activating teaching methods
In this workshop you will become acquainted with > 10 activating teaching methods to facilitate formative learning experiences. Most of the examples can also be used as Classroom Assessment Techniques. Don’t sit back and relax, prepare to be activated!

Date: Thursday 04 May, Topic: New Studios Tour
The demand to produce knowledge clips, short bite-sized videos, has been steadily increasing. The new educational video studios in Atlas were built in 2022 to help meet this demand and offer the WUR community professional grade media production spaces. Join this session to tour the new studio spaces and explore the steps you can take to make knowledge clips for your courses.

Date: Thursday 11 May, Topic: Automated Feedback: Using Feedback Fruits as a tool for automated formative feedbacks for assessing students writing skills
Writing is an essential skill for students. However, helping students to improve the different elements of writing skills can be daunting for teachers. One way to help teachers is to find an alternative tool that can carry the work load from teachers. Although this might sound good, there could be risks for students’ learning process.
FBF Automated Feedback tool powered by Artificial Intelligence, enables students to receive formative feedback on their academic writing skills based on criteria set by the teacher. The feedback consists of straightforward corrections, actionable inline feedback, suggestions, and compliments.
In this short session, we will discuss about:
1)    Writing skills elements
2)    Assessing writing skills challenges
3)    FBF Automated Feedback Tool
4)    What are the opportunities and risks of this tool

Date: Tuesday 6 June, Topic: Sharing insights and experiences related to assessment in real-life learning
Coordinators: Hanna Eppink, Mieke Latijnhouwers & Anke Swanenberg. When working with real life learning assignments, assessment often becomes slightly more complex as outcomes may be less predictable. Do you assess the process, the product or both? Do you take the evaluation by the case-owner into account? Do you let peer feedback weigh into the final grade? Are you struggling with how to include reflective assessment in your assessment strategy? Do these kinds of questions look familiar to you? Then come to this lunch workshop to get tips and exchange experiences with other teachers.

Date: Thursday 08 June, Topic: Creator+: Add interactions to your Brightspace content
Brightspace has added new features that enables you to add more interactions to your course content.
In this session you will:
- Discuss about why adding interactive materials can enhance students' learning experience.
- Discuss about ideas to make the learning materials more interactive.
- Learn about the new possibilities in Brightspace.
- Reflect on how this can be used in your own course(s)

If you have any ideas or would like to contribute, please send an email to