Gamified Design

Course schedule

This course is not scheduled yet.

Course description

What can we learn and use from games to make learning more effective? We will explore the underlying mechanisms that make games so engaging and use this as a starting point for rethinking your own education.

Learning Outcomes

After succesful participation in this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand motivation and self-determination theory;
  • Analyse your own course for engagement needs;
  • Identify students’ needs i.r.t player types;
  • Identify features of games that help learning and engagement; and
  • Design an educational intervention with one or more game elements. 

Target group

Wageningen University lecturers who are already experienced in teaching and would like to look at their course design and teaching from a different angle.


This blended course consists of two training days (approximately 09.00-15.30) interspersed with several online activities in Brightspace. During the online activities we explore what gamification is, what the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in education is, and you will see examples of teachers who already experimented with gamification to engage their students. During the training days you will analyse your own course or study programme, as well as your student population, to identify which game elements could make a difference for you. You will leave the training with a hands-on plan to apply game elements to your education.


In order to receive a course certificate, you should participate in the training and the presentation of results. This is an elective course for the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ or in Dutch: BKO).