Start-to-SA-trajectory for new study advisers -part 4

Course schedule

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Course description

In this fourth short meeting, you will do peer consultation / intervisie
•    Check-in round + short reflection on last meeting
•    Case-selection  (if you have a case, write STQ*)
•    Peer round 
•    Individual reflection 
•    Reflect on last year & wishes for next year sessions

*STQ: Write down, just for yourself, a still urgent case during a study advise / work related situation

o Describe the situation in 1 or 2 sentences. Be as 
  specific and to the point as possible
o Describe what exactly triggers you in this situation in 
  1 or 2 sentences (What triggers me is...)
o Formulate a question considering this trigger 
  (How can I ....,What can I do to ....., etc)

Location: WUR Campus. 
Target group: New study advisers, cohort '23/'24
Trainers: Sanne Collette & Marieke van Schaik